The mocking Sadducee question Jesus and at the same time confirm their belief and scientific research that God’s truth resided only in the first five books of the Bible – the Torah. And since those books of Moses speak little about the afterlife or a return to our paradise lost, they didn’t believe it was possible or probable to experience total redeeming reconciliation with God for all eternity. They used hyperbole to make fun of Jesus by exaggerating what He preached, while trying to create absurd contradictions.
A modern example of this would be when a late night talk show host recently used video clips of presidential famous statements. FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” But George Bush was repeatedly shown stammering for words. They played that video clip over and over. That’s hyperbole! And that is what the Sadducees tried to do with their questioning by portraying a woman who repeatedly outlives several husbands without bearing any children – then dies and goes to heaven. Who is her husband in heaven? Jesus says - none of them. For, there is no need to be married in heaven. We will be like angels. Jesus Christ tells John in his Revelation “Behold, I make all things new” (21:5).
When Traciela Murrillo lost the ability to walk, she liked to think that one day, in heaven, she would be able both to walk and to swim. Recently, she wrote how she realized that she had created a mental image of heaven that was similar to a vacation resort. She thought, “If only I could imagine heaven without being limited to comparisons based on my earthly experience!”
Then she remembered many times having faced difficult situations and how she had limited herself to solutions with which she was already familiar. Like Traciela, I often do not have the capacity to conceptualize solutions that I have not tried before. My limited understanding also hinders my ability to acknowledge that God can and does act in ways that I cannot imagine.
Traciela decided that heaven will be so amazing and so surprising that she could not imagine it. Now, she anticipates more from God - accepting that God's grace extends beyond our imagination and understanding.
But many Christian’s use their imagination and prayer life to have conversations with Jesus Christ – based on the scriptures, as it will be in heaven. Wesley exclaims, “What a strange scene is here opened to our view! How remote from all our natural senses! Not a glimpse of what Jesus here revealed was ever seen in the heathen world. Not only the modern, barbarous, uncivilized Heathens have not [a clue]; but it was equally unknown to the refined, polished Heathens of ancient [Israel,] Greece and Rome. And it is almost as little thought of or understood by most Christians of today: I mean, even those that in a measure fear God, and study to work righteousness.”
Constantine the Great and all the subsequent rulers of our “Christian world” poured in riches and honors upon the Christians. Later our scientific logic presumed that our physical senses were the only basis of truth. This threatened to void our imagination of things that will come to pass when this world is no more. But if we will but only speak and imagine “after the manner of men,” then David and the Prophets can still help us to visualize that: the Lord sits upon His throne, surrounded by angels and archangels, and by all His flaming children of holiness.
God promises a far nobler state of things, which has not yet entered into the heart of men to conceive. But our hope is in the universal restoration, which is to come after the universal destruction. For "we look," says Peter, "for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness" (2 Pet. 3:7).
Even the starry order and harmony of the universe will be created anew. There will be no more furious storms anywhere on any planet. There will be no more rain, because there was none in the first Paradise: Genesis 2:5-6 says, "The Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth. But there went up a mist from the earth," which then covered up the abyss of waters, "and watered the whole face of the ground," with moisture sufficient for all life. When paradise is restored, there will be no more clouds or fogs. There will be one bright and glorious day. As there were in Paradise, there will be various rivers gently gliding along, for the use and pleasure of all living new creatures.
Wesley believed that every part of the new creation will naturally produce whatever its inhabitants want. All mankind will procure what the new creation provides by a much easier and readier process. For all the inhabitants of the new creation will then be equal to angels; on a level with them in swiftness, as well as strength; so that they can quick as thought, transport themselves, or whatever they want, from one side of the globe to the other.
Jacob Behmen suggested that the new creation itself with all its things and inhabitants will be as transparent as glass. Revelation 4:6 says, "And before the throne there was a sea of glass, like unto crystal." Wesley thought that transparent people would be too shocking, but how else can we imagine the perfect clarity of His promise of complete purity.
Although "God made not death, neither hath he pleasure in the death of any living," the creatures of the same God of love and of the living are in this world under a necessity of destroying others in order to preserve their own life! But He that sits upon the throne will soon change the face of all things, and demonstrate that "His mercy is over all his works."
In the new earth, no creature will kill, or hurt, or give pain to any other. The scorpion will have no poisonous sting; the adder, no venomous teeth. The lion will have no claws to tear the lamb; no teeth to grind his flesh and bones. No creature, no beast, bird, or fish, will have any inclination to hurt any other. Cruelty, savageness and fierceness will be forgotten. Violence shall be no more, neither wasting or destruction seen on the face of the earth. "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: They shall not hurt or destroy.”
Dear Heavenly Father, Your glory will change the poor, sinful, miserable children of men. We await the great voice out of heaven, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men: And He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be their God" (Rev. 21:3-4). Our hope is in an unmixed state of holiness and happiness far superior to that which Adam and Eve enjoyed in Paradise. You promise to wipe away all tears from our eyes; “and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: For the former things are done away!" You promise no more death, no more pain or sickness, no more grieving for, or parting with, friends; no more sorrow or crying. There will be no more sin. Thank You for Your promise of a New Relationship where each one of Your children will have a deep, an intimate, an uninterrupted union with You; a constant communion with You, with Your Son Jesus Christ, through Your Holy Spirit; a continual enjoyment of the Three in One God, and of all the creatures in You – in the name of Your blessed Trinity, Amen.
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