Legion wanted a Savior to take away all the confused sin involved with serving different gods and demons. He didn’t want a Lord to rule over him in singleness of soul: “What do You want of me, Jesus the Son of the most high God? Why to You torture me?” He wanted the pushing and pulling of people, ideas and emotions that were tearing him up inside and out – to stop. That’s all.
My childhood must have been a little like Legion when I said, “Mommy I’ll do what’s right just as soon as I get finished doing all the right things you and other people asked me to do.” I was about 8 and I was delirious with a high fever. So Dr. Ferris made a house call and heard my complaint of hearing many voices that were different people telling me different things to do or think. These messages were all in conflict and seemingly overwhelming. Maybe some of you remember plays or movies where someone like Macbeth or Citizen Cane is tormented by a crazed madness and hears (even sees) ghostly memories of many conflicting personal sins and weaknesses - about how much of a mess or failure his or her life had been. Dr. Ferris gave me medicine. My fever went down. But the voices went away only when my parents prayed with me.
Wrestling with sin is much more serious than clicking rapidly through channels on the radio or television every second or two. I tend to cry out for a temporary Savior on my terms, when I realize that don’t have the power or discretion to control what demon or temptation threatens to take over my life. Most of us don’t get accused of having a demon controlling our lives, but several people have told me that habitual sin takes over so that they feel unable to move away from or resist sinful thoughts or deeds. It might be addictive compulsion or hopeless depression that weighs down every limb and the core of your body – or maybe its something in between those extremes like boredom or empty heartedness. But batting gnats will never get you a home run anymore that swatting the restless flies of discontent and rebellion in your soul.
Unearthly screams came from my body that night 52 years ago and my Christian parents laid hands on me and prayed for me that night while I was recovering my right mind – and I believe I prayed with them in agreement for Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my torment and sickness. I wanted a Savior from my condition, but I’m not sure if I wanted a Lord to rule over my fevered and rebellious soul. But I DID become a Christian – a true believer that night.
In a less dramatic way our grandson Joah became a Christian this past Friday night just before going to sleep just one room away from the room where I accepted Jesus as my Savior in the same house in Atlanta. Joah had been playing around their van as Pete vacuumed it and all of a sudden our son-in-law had a strong sense that he should stop and talk to Joah about the gospel. Pete asked his son what would happen to him if he died tonight or if Jesus came back tonight. He talked to him about how when Jesus returns it will be as a warrior coming to fight against all who refused him. He talked to him about how hell is forever. Pete asked Joah to think about whether he was ready to become a Christian.
Up to Friday night when challenged about his need to repent and trust in Jesus Joah’s response had always been "I haven't decided yet." But soon after Joah went to bed he called for his father to come into his room saying he had a "secret" to tell him. Joah whispered in his father’s ear - "I want to pray about what we talked about before."
They got down on their knees together and talked a while about what it means to become a Christian. “You will no longer be in charge of you, God will be. You will become a different boy. God will become your best friend. Jesus died for your sins and you can trust him to save you from hell and bring you to heaven. You will study your Bible and learn to know God more. If you become a Christian, you will begin to obey more and more. You will have a relationship with Jesus.”
Pete showed Joah a familiar picture that represents Matthew 7 and the broad and easy path that leads to hell and the narrow path that leads to heaven. They talked about how a Christian's life will be harder than the life of those who choose the broad path, but it also will be full of joy. He said he understood and believed these things so they prayed together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for letting childhood prayers with a simple “yes, come into my heart Lord Jesus” soften Joah's and each new or old believer’s heart. Thank You for showing how genuine faith in Christ glorifies You as Jesus takes over and rules with sanctifying grace in our personal life. You are in control, Lord. Please conquer my heart, Lord Jesus! In the name of Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord, who commands the unclean spirit to come out of me and each of us and sends us home and elsewhere to tell all what Jesus has done – Amen.
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