Friday, December 08, 2006

East Tallassee UMC at DexterAve UMC

Soulpatch is the band. East Tallassee UMC is the interpretive dance group. They held an awesome worship service at Dexter last night. More than 50 in attendance helped to kick off our regular Friday night contemporary worship service from 7 pm til at least 10 pm. The link at the title of this article takes you to Will Curlee, lead guitarist's site. We hope to see them with us next on January 15, 2007 after the governor's inauguration parade and at the closing celebration of our four day revival for racial Truth and Reconciliation beginning noon Friday 1/12/07 - featuring Dr. Eston McLain of Central UMC, Huntsville and others.

A great big thank you and God bless you continually streams from the DexterAve UMC congregation to the East Tallasee UMC for their partnering with us for inner city ministries in Montgomery.

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