Friday, May 18, 2007

070518 Friday Focus with Gerald and Nate Paulk

Gerald Paulk grew up in Dexter Avenue United Methodist Church. He is now a successful Alabama attorney. His son, Nate, works with SIFAT (Servants in Faith and Technology) that trains missionaries and those from the foreign mission field in basic technological know-how that improves the living conditions of the people served.

The SIFAT website introduces their ministry with the following question and answers:

What does it mean to share God's love in practical ways?

It means...
- merging faith and technology to meet basic human needs
- supporting microenterprise in urban slums
- teaching jungle homesteaders how to grow crops without destroying the rainforest
- establishing high schools in remote Andean villages
- combating infant mortality and promoting safe motherhood
- giving people in developing countries the knowledge and tools they need to grow physically, spiritually, and socially.

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