Friday, March 28, 2008

080328 Friday Focus with Jim Roden, Gideons International

Jim Roden is among the thousands of Gideons who actively support and volunteer a great deal of time and energy to the distribution of Biblical scripture around the world.

Having God's Word can lead people to faith in Christ, and those new Christians can then grow by studying their Scriptures and even use them to share their faith with others.

For this reason, Gideons International focuses on distributing complete Bibles or New Testaments. These Scriptures are printed in more than 80 languages and are either given directly to certain individuals or placed in selected public locations where large numbers of people who may be searching for answers will have the ability to encounter the Word of God.

Distributing complete copies of God's Word also . . .

Plants powerful seeds that God can use in His timing. (I Corinthians 3:6)
Allows people to read the truth for themselves. (John 8:32)
Provides a continuing witness when the Gideon is no longer present. (Hebrews 4:12)
Makes it easier for the people we reach to in turn reach others with the truth about Jesus. (II Timothy 2:2)
Makes it possible for new Christians to learn and grow through personal Bible study.
(II Timothy 2:15)

Scriptures are distributed one by one by members of The Gideons International to these groups:

Students in the 5th grade and above
Prisoners and police, fire, medical and military personnel
Anyone else Gideons witness to individually
Scriptures are placed in certain locations, including:

Hotels and motels
Hospitals, convalescent homes, medical offices and domestic violence shelters
Prisons and jails

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