Sunday, January 20, 2008

080120 John 1:29-42 "Getting the Names Straight" by Ron Smith

I’m going to end this talk with “in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen (which means ‘so be it’).” This invocation of names means something to all Christians, because we don’t just recognize Him as the Savior (Yeshua), but the Christ (the Messiah, the Chosen One) and most importantly “Lord” the One whom we serve as our Living God – representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When I was 16 and the president/founder of the FROGS social club at Henry Grady High School, I got a mysterious call from a girl who would not identify herself. My mother yelled through the house, “Ronnie, telephone call.” I could tell the voice was familiar, but I didn’t know immediately who it was. As she talked, I could guess. It was probably one of the members of the SNAPS social club trying to figure out what my moral and ethical make-up was about. She made a lot of suggestive statements that I cordially continued to ask questions about, but I could tell she was as uncomfortable about asking the very forward and even immoral suggestions – I sensed that there were others “listening in” somehow. I knew my character was on the line and I had to behave respectful, friendly, but reserved. Apparently, I passed the test. And a few days later, I was named the “Sweat Heart” of that social club and the FROGS reciprocated by making one of the SNAPS leaders our “Sweat Heart.”
God says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
And God reveals His identity with special names that speak of identity, power and grace. God reveals who and whom. God is. God loves. And we love and devote ourselves in return.
John saw Jesus coming toward him and yelled out, “Here he is, God’s Passover Lamb! He forgives the sins of the world!” John admits that he didn’t really know who Jesus would be, but that His behavior would get God’s people ready for the Holy Spirit. John watched the Spirit, like a dove flying down out of the sky, making himself at home in him.
John was much more than a mysterious caller from a high school social club. He didn’t just want to tell whether Jesus was a clean living, honest, young man who would not betray His trust with certain people in a select group. John the Baptizer was focused only on obeying “The One” who authorized him to baptize with water. And “The One” told him that when the Spirit appeared like He did on Jesus, then He is the “Son of God.”
Andrew and the other disciple followed up on the Baptizer’s initial call. They would share the message that Jesus is “God’s Passover Lamb.” Then they went after Jesus.
Jesus shows that He isn’t impressed with the great names people were using about Him any more than He would have been impressed with “Sweet Heart of the SNAPS social club.” He didn’t need to just rest on laurels or titles. So He said to His new followers, “What are you after?” They said, “Teacher,” “where are you staying?”
And Jesus invited them to follow Him were He was staying. “I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells” (Psalm 26:8).
After Andrew and the other disciple saw where he was living, they stayed with Him. Immediately, Andrew went to his brother Simon Peter, and told him, “We’ve found the Messiah” (that is, “Christ”).
He immediately led him to Jesus. That’s what being with Jesus is about. If you are living with Jesus you are bringing others to Him. You bring others to where Jesus lives in truth and in spirit. And when you do this, start listening to what Jesus wants to call your friend you brought to Him. Will your friend have to answer to “What are you after?” – like Andrew and the other disciple. Or will the one you bring to Jesus receive a new name like Simon, who became Cephas (or Peter, which means “Rock”). Jesus transforms you when you get the names straight or, better yet, when you have to live with Jesus like Andrew and all of His true disciples.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Yourself in Jesus Christ, who in turn reveals who each of us really is – by behavior, calling, and true character – to Your service and glory. Help each one of us to fulfill our function with You as Your obedient children and with others as truly forgiven and loved sisters and brothers – in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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