John the Baptist’s life was completely absorbed in getting himself and others ready for Jesus Christ. His whole life was an Advent Season. Our personal relationship with Jesus as Lord of our life means that we can get ready for Jesus like John the Baptizer in three ways: 1) You can prepare your heart by retreating often in prayer and Bible study – alone (like John in the desert) and with other sincere disciples (like John’s disciples and later the disciples of Jesus). 2) You can go where the people are – like John did at the Jordan River. And 3) you can proclaim fearlessly the Word of God – even in the presence of powerful people like the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
1) We also have a simple message of hope in our spiritually dark and barren surroundings. It’s hard to repent and “change your life for God’s kingdom” when you’re too busy trying to belong to the right social group or say and think the right kind of things to please people and not God. You and I can claim Isaiah’s prophecy, too. Do you feel like your voice is calling in words and deeds to point each person to God’s ways, but it seems to fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts like it would in an empty desert? God’s word will not return void, for you tell of the King of Righteousness and Glory! The King-of-Kings’ road will be leveled out – made smooth and straight (Isaiah 40:3) – in spite of the deaf ears and hardened hearts.
2) People poured out of Jerusalem, Judea, and the Jordanian countryside to hear and see him, the preacher, in action. He drew large crowds because he was unusual. He lived oddly, dressed oddly, and ate oddly. Untainted by the materialism of the culture or the legalism of the Pharisees, he could hear God clearly and make that truth known to others. As we untangle ourselves from materialism and religiosity, we too will hear God and become ready to be restored.
3) John speaks fearlessly to me at this time in my life and not just to a group of insincere Pharisees and Sadducees. I am snake-like when I do church things just to be popular – or just to react to what others are doing – or try to gain the confidence of others without gaining God’s approval. Snake-skin is water proof. Just as water does not change or affect snake skin, God’s cleansing and washing of sins will not work against a stubborn and unrepentant heart. Neither water nor God’s forgiving grace will make any difference to a life that is not ready for change.
When I feel someone is wrong or I feel how badly I'm treated, not much change will happen. God’s plan for restoration requires a complete change of MY mind, so that I'm willing to look at myself and admit my wrongdoing and my need of help.
When I accuse or even castigate others, the Holy Spirit will respond to my sincere confession and request for forgiveness. The fruit of this repentance is to ask forgiveness from those whom I have wronged (when I am made aware of it) and then to allow the Spirit to wash away the dirt and silt of my selfishness and stubbornness. Even if the others whom I have wronged are no longer available - the prophet Joel invites us to become cleansed by fasting, weeping, and mourning -- by genuine repentance.
I can’t just shed crocodile tears like a snake at the Jordan with John. I must ask for forgiveness from a contrite heart. God’s new life awaits: Instead of anger I get peace. My selfishness turns to helpfulness. My stunted spiritual growth becomes the joy of growing in thankfulness. Change is the fruit of true repentance.
Every moment of your life can be a baptizing experience in the river of life, turning your old life in for a kingdom life. But the “fruit that befits repentance” has to start showing up. And God promises to send His Holy Spirit, like John promised Jesus’ arrival: When you repent - the main character in your life’s drama comes in and you’re not just a stagehand looking for the next prop or the next pathetic trophy of this world that will only tarnish and disappoint.
Jesus has promised to ignite the kingdom life within you, like lighting a fire within you. It is the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. He’s going to clean house - make a clean sweep of your life. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false He’ll put out with the trash to be burned.
Dear Heavenly Father, please help every one of us to be like John the Baptizer and act as a road sign that points people beyond ourselves to You in Jesus Christ. Help us not to point to ourselves, calling attention to our knowledge of the Bible or our holiness. Rather, in our message and in our conduct, may we be signs that point beyond ourselves to God, in the blessed name that we wait for and anticipate in our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
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