Tuesday, August 28, 2007

070828 Tuesday Prayer Breakfast - Andrew Dawkins

Andrew Dawkins is a Chaplain with the CENTRAL ALABAMA VETERANS HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. He serves out of the East Campus (619A4) Tel: 334-727-0550 and shares the Pastoral Care ID # of 118B. Their main office is at 2400 Hospital Road, Tuskegee, AL 36083. Andrew's Chief Chaplain is Sherman L. Burford associated with the Christian & Missionary Alliance (an off shoot of the Presbyterian Church). Their shared Secretary is Eloise Anderson. The Full-time Chaplain is Eddie Jasper, an affiliate with the National Baptist denomination. Their contact is Liston Garfield, who is Episcopal. But finally, Andrew is a Baptist retained on a Fee-basis to minister to veterans in the Montgomery area, like Kenneth Carpenter a Free Methodist and William Patterson, a African Methodist Episcopal.

Pastor Ron Smith of Dexter Ave. UMC first met Andrew at a seminar honoring civil rights leader Rev. Robert Graetz and Mrs. Jean Graetz his wife. It became rapidly apparent that Andrew has a special gift in pastoral counseling and relational healing.
Andrew has consistently worked to help veterans and other people to realize their full potential. His gifts in preaching and leading devotional reflection are also worthy of comment.

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