Friday, January 12, 2007

070112 Revival Message from Elston McLain based on Psalm 24

This message is part of the first evening Revival Services at Dexter. Unique to this experience was that 130 were downstairs in our 301 Club Ballroom Dancing weekly event and no more that 30 were upstairs in the Sanctuary to help kick off our community wide revival and reconciliation conference with our guest preacher from Center Grove United Methodist Church, Huntsville, Alabama. There were just as many inter-racial and inter-cultural reconciliations in the basement fellowship dance floor as we might have expected up stairs in the the "official" worship hall. Interestingly, Elston's message here touches on the praise of God for what only our creator has done and not we can do with our meager little lives. Jesus comes to reconcile us with this difference. We celebrate because God made us that way. We dance because it is good. But we sing and preach in worship services for the same reasons. For a time the former is more popular than the later. We do not claim one is better unless God is glorified more with one than the other.

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