Monday, October 30, 2006

061029 Mark 10:46-52 Sight Unseen

The Communication or Information Age - That’s what we live in. So say many journalists, novelists and those who make their living communicating on a “professional level.” But what does it mean when we fail to accomplish our God given intelligence – that is the unique ability and perpetuated talent in communicating with meaning – lasting import to all creation? Bruce, Chris and Mary have their own answers to this.
Bruce Atchison of Alberta, Canada uses Unseen Light to prove what Hebrews 11:1 means with Faith being the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Bruce made an interesting discovery when he was in eighth grade. While heading home from school one cloudy, November afternoon with a fluorescent orange sheet of paper, he was astonished to see that it glowed brightly in spite of the dullness of the day. When he asked his science teacher about the phenomenon, the teacher said that it was ultraviolet light, which we cannot see, and which made the paper glow in the visible light range. That was the first time he heard about light that is outside the range of our normal vision.
We tend not to acknowledge the reality of things we cannot see. Many forms of light in the universe can't be seen but can be detected with the proper equipment. X-ray cameras, infrared detectors, radio telescopes, and other devices let us see what our eyes cannot see on their own.
Modern technology enables us to view the unseen light all around us. In a similar way, the Holy Spirit, given to us by God, illuminates scriptures that may seem like foolishness to some people. Believers can see evidence of God's love and presence because the Spirit gives us new eyes.
Belief in the Unseen means that ever since God created the world, His invisible qualities, both His eternal power and His divine nature, have been clearly seen. They are perceived in the things that God has made (Romans 1:20).
Chris Thron is a scientist who lives and works in Texas.
He wants to dispel the common notion that it is not scientific to believe in what cannot be observed. He says that the basis of scientific research is the inference of unseen reality from what is seen.
Modern physics tells us that there are many kinds of subatomic elementary particles. Many of these particles were predicted long before they were observed directly, on the basis of patterns and symmetries found among then-known particles. The symmetries were striking yet incomplete-so physicists set forth theories about the existence of as-yet-unknown particles to fill in the gaps.
Chris uses evidence for spiritual realities beyond our direct experience. For instance, although we cannot observe God directly, we may deduce God's existence from the beauty and grandeur of the world God has created. Though we have never seen eternal life with our own eyes, our fleeting mortal lives have significance because we know they are part of a much larger picture.
In closing let us look at one of these examples more closely so that we can not only prove the unseen, but also Trust the Unseen creator who made you and me and all that we can or cannot see and experience.
Psalm 121:1 says, I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from where will my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
Mary A. Bell lives and works near Mt. Hood, Oregon, which is a volcanic mountain range. Her tenth floor office window faces the beautiful peak of the highest volcano.
On the typically cloudy days in western Oregon (like the gray days of Germany that we heard about last Sunday) Mary cannot see Mt. Hood from that office window, because it is hidden by the clouds.
She knows and has no doubt that it is still there in its same place.
Sometimes the circumstances of our individual lives are like clouds and storms. You or I may feel that God is hidden, and I sometimes wonder where God is.
But just as Mary doesn’t doubt that the mountain which God made is still in its rightful place, even when she cannot see it, why do I doubt God's presence with me?
Bartemeus’ blindness is like our inward blindness to God’s presence. God still cares for me and knows where I am, physically and spiritually, and exactly what is happening to me, even if I don’t know where God is. . . . even though I may not yet see what God is working to bring about through my present situation. I can offer thanks for God's unfailing love, trust, and mercy, even in troubled times. You can do the same.
Dear Heavenly Father, O God, help us to walk by faith and not by sight, believing your word in spite of appearances. In Jesus' name we pray.
Teach us Your Faith that is believing in Your reality beyond what our human eyes can see. We celebrate our scientists and inventors in our midst. And we celebrate our ability to discover what they have not yet proved with their own methods of research.
You know I see only a small part of your big picture. Open the eyes of my heart to understand You and to rejoice in the plan You have for my life. By faith, we know that reality is more than what we can see. Medical researchers are another group of “implied”, if not actual, believers who must succumb to Your will.
God, thank you for your constant love. Reassure us of your presence, even when life becomes difficult. Thank You for loving and caring for us even when we don't acknowledge it or sense Your presence. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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