Tuesday, May 13, 2008

080513 Tuesday Prayer Breakfast with Rev. Cory Smith of Woodland United Methodist Church

The last time Cory spoke at Dexter’s Prayer Breakfast was October 23, 2007. Since then, his wife Alicia has become our church secretary. Needless to say, we are all very bless to have this wonderful Christian couple serve in so many ways to help our inner-city church revitalize.
In this devotional message Cory shares his interpretation of John 3:1-17 where Jesus tells Nicodemus “the meaning of life.” Cory introduces us to a modern day parable where a woman goes to a monk in a far away mountain retreat - so as to find “the meaning of life.” She talks incessantly while the monk continues to pour tea until in overflows onto her and everything around her. She stops her chatter and says, “Stop! Can’t you see that my cup is too full and I have too much?” To which the monk said, “Just so. Come back when your cup is empty and then we can talk again.”
In comparison Nicodemus is like so many of us who are too full and cannot receive what God has to give us.

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