Friday, July 21, 2006

060723 Is there a preacher in the house?

This coming Sunday Jean Posey’s granddaughter, Mary Ellison, will be preaching. She has been serving as a missionary with the United Methodist Church in South Africa and is returning to continue her studies at Duke University. This young leader is “leading through serving.” Jesus said to the disciples, "I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you." (John 13:15)
We have all experienced working with a group that is getting ready to elect new leaders such as our team and committee appointments in the fall. The idea of being a leader can quickly become a test of popularity rather than an opportunity to serve the group. There could even arise arguments over which person most deserves to lead. When we read the passage in John 13, we realize that Christ's example of leadership is one that all Christians are expected to adopt and practice.
Coming up with great ideas about what Dexter UMC should do to grow and become a more vibrant Christian witness in Montgomery is not the most difficult task. Working those ideas out in practical ways and with real relationships in our community requires real work and real people who lead by example. The excitement and public acclaim of being a leader is much like the disciples' struggle with who was to be greatest among them.
Jesus told them that leading meant becoming a servant. He illustrated that mystery by washing the disciples’ feet. After He washed their feet, he said, "So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet."
As we struggle in our own community, church groups, and even secular political arenas to choose leaders, let us remember this story of Jesus. He said that those who lead are to serve rather than to be served.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us your Son to love and serve us. Please grant us strength, courage and fortitude to serve others rather than seek personal recognition and glory. Help us to lead when we serve. Help us to be the kind of humble servants You want us to be. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ron

1 comment:

DocWatt62 said...

Thanks for that Pastor it's good to see a spiritual presence in all this negative world.
